Ashihara Karate International

The Azad Hind International Karate Foundation has appointed Kaicho Hoosain Narker, the world chief instructor of Ashihara Karate International as its Chief Technical Advisor.

Ashihara Karate International is a separate and distinct system and organisation started and developed by Kaicho Hoosain Narker with the assistance of many Branch Chiefs.

This does not tell the complete story, so a short historical review is in order. On September 2, 1980, Hoosain Narker, together with a few students and others, founded a school of karate based mostly on Kyokushin style technique, but somewhat influenced by his (their) earlier training in Shotokan, Shukokai and TaeKwonDo. This original school, then named Oyama Karate Dojo Kyokushinkai became the Ashihara Karate International Federation Honbu.

Ashihara karate was developed after much contemplation by the late Grand master Hideyuki Ashihara, and several changes were brought to the kyokushin style, as well as a complete emphasis on self-defence. This change has also been influenced by Street Fight Karate and Aikido Evasive Techniques, leading to the development of Ashihara’s own Fighting Kata’s and Sabaki principles.

Ashihara Karate International is a modern style, with a new and dynamic approach to training. Although modern, it retains the positive aspects of traditional karate, such as Kata and Kihon and of course, discipline. The Kata’s are all fighting oriented and more importantly, functional. These along with the Kihon are practised in a practical and effective fashion. Due to the fact that Ashihara Karate International is an organisation which has not become bound by traditions, Kaicho Hoosain Narker and members of the Technical Advisory Committee, has been able to take full advantage of the freedom to make changes and improvements. The training methods have been greatly improved and the old style basics have been replaced by training methods in consultation with Sports Scientist, which give better results, in a much shorter time.

Kaicho Narker has more than 40 years experience in Karate and during this time he has travelled to many countries to study under various Masters. He has practised a number of styles and is of the opinion that one cannot make a worthwhile judgement of any style, unless one has had at least some first hand experience of the style in question. All of this experience as well as his involvement in several Macro-Sports Structures as an Administrator, has been put to good use in developing an Organisation, which puts more emphasis on results than on tradition.

Ashihara Karate International came into being in 1993 when the organisation spread beyond the borders of South Africa.